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rPredictorDB is a project dedicated to ribosomal RNA (rRNA) secondary structure research. The two main contributions of rPredictorDB are:
The project was partially supported by grant no. 550214 of the Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK).
The aim of rPredictorDB is twofold. We develop and deploy a technique of predicting ribosomal RNA secondary structure and make the resulting structural information readily available. At the same time, the rPredictorDB database contains rich annotations of rRNA structures and the underlying sequences, providing an unified interface for rRNA research for both academics and professionals outside academia.
A secondary goal of rPredictorDB is extensibility: it should be easy to integrate third-party tools.
Gene translation is the process of implementation of genetic information, which forms a living organism. The unit central to translation is the ribosome.
The “scaffold” (and major part) of the ribosome consists of ribosomal ribonucleic acids (rRNA), which are critical for its function. Because the function of biological molecules is mostly determined by their spatial structure, understanding the role of rRNA in translation depends on understanding rRNA structures. While rRNA nucleotide sequences can be obtained relatively easily, determining their three-dimensional structure is very demanding: sequences are known for hundreds of eucaryotic organisms while spatial structures only for about 5.
Secondary structures are an intermediate step between sequences and three-dimensional structures. Understanding secondary structures enables at least partial study of rRNA behavior, and secondary structures can be predicted from sequences (to a much greater extent than the spatial structures). However, ribosomal RNA are notoriously hard problems for secondary structure prediction.
In recent years, improved imaging methods have led to detailed measurement of spatial structures of the ribosome in a few organisms (and a secondary structure can be derived from these measurements). The availability of these structures, together with a high degree of conservation in the ribosome, should make it possible to derive secondary structures for other ribosomal RNA as well.
While the importance of ribosomes and ribosomal RNA has been recognized for several decades, support for bioinformatical work over the available ribosomal data is fragmented and unsatisfactory. Various sites dedicated to rRNA exist: most notably the SILVA database and the Comparative RNA Website (CRW). However, none of them are satisfactory: the CRW site is hard to navigate, fails to provide crucial information (e.g. origin of provided secondary structure) and does not support mass retrieval; SILVA has no support for structural bioinformatics. The rPredictorDB infrastructure aims to overcome the shortcomings of these sites and make working with rRNA as easy as possible.
The rPredictorDB infrastructure has several key components:
The rPredictorDB infrastructure is built and maintained by the rPredictorDB student team from the Computer Science branch of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague. (Contact us here.)
To start using the rPredictorDB website right away, go search or predict.
If you wish to read more about rPredictorDB: